Consul General Vladimir Božović had the honor of attending the Lifeline Benefit Dinner, hosted by Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia. The evening was a beautiful celebration of compassion, unity, and a shared dedication to making a meaningful difference for those in need.
At the Consulate General of Serbia, Marc Alessi, Executive Director of The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, presented efforts to establish the Center as a hub for honoring Nikola Tesla's groundbreaking work for modern technological innovations. We are committed to supporting this vision, advancing scientific innovation inspired by Tesla’s spirit and ethos.
Хвала Марку Алесију, извршном директору Теслиног научног центра у Варденклифу, на инспиративној презентацији њихових активности за српску заједницу. Радујемо се сарадњи у очувању Теслиног наслеђа и подстицању будућих научних достигнућа!