“…For a number of years Duško Stojanović’s work has been focused on perfecting the gravure, a very demanding technique which he uses as an illuminator and in which he manages to achieve a very high level of complexity. Also, by exploring the art of painting of a more recent date, he arrives, through a torrent of light filled with colors, to the re-discovery of a certain kind of fragmented figuration in which landscapes, nudes, contours of mountains, emerge completely transformed, in fragments, just like on a day after some horrible event that only beauty, miraculously, will survive…”
Laurent Danchin, Art Critic
Paris, France
“…Duško Stojanović’s art is complex, and could not be experienced in a simple way. His paintings do not elude realism intentionally; it is simply more sophisticated approach to art, and it could be profoundly understood only within such a context…”
Prof. Dr. Ranko Končar, Historian
Director Emeritus of the Museum of Vojvodina
Novi Sad, Serbia
“…Stojanović’s exploring spirit tries to connect poetry and knowledge in the avalanche of colors from which, at certain points, fierce images come to the surface, comparable to the results of some department for metaphysical exploration, whose experiences stand on the verge of fear and madness, admiration and shock, bliss and hope…It is quite possible that his work, as well the works of Saint-Exupéry, is permeated by an idea that should be deeply pondered upon: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but we borrow it from our children…”
Michel-Pierre Lanquetin, Art Critic
Paris, France